Well its been a long season but the hard work finally paid off. My buddy and I were on some really big bucks during archery season, with some close calls. From Full draw on a 4x3 for over a minute and a giant Framed 3x that never wanted to bed in a good stalking spot ,archery season was crazy. we ended up taking that 3x3 on rifle opener and the 4x3 has been MIA ever since. Went out every weekend during rifle and was not able to locate any legal bucks since opener. Last sunday located a small herd of does getting pushed by this guy so i figured id help them out. This is the first time I’ve shot at a deer and not have a deer die within 80 yards, It Got a little western but we got em. This is the smallest buck ive ever harvested but Jesus christ was it the hardest hunt , total of 8.7 miles and I finally got the d16 monkey off my back.
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